X-23 is Marvel’s New Female Wolverine (Announcement)

As a kid I was always a huge fan of X-Men, Spiderman, and Fantastic Four comics so it really only makes sense that my own kid would enjoy some of the same things in her own comic world. She snuggles up with her own stuffed Spiderman, Hulk, and Wolverine dolls every night. We watch the cartoons, read the comics, and in general share a bit of geek love.

This week Marvel made an announcement that is sure to make both of our geek hearts go pitter-pat. The new face behind the Wolverine mask (post Secret Wars) has been revealed to be none other than X-23, Wolverine’s ward, of sorts. For those not familiar with X-23 as a character, she has a deep, complex, and problematic past (that includes sex work) in the Marvel Universe. It will be interesting to see where Marvel takes the new Wolverine’s character as the series progresses. Will we be allowed to see how her past has directly influenced who she has become as a person and will she ultimately be called to task from her past transgressions without falling into damaging stereotypes?

Marvel has done some fairly groundbreaking things with female characters as of late (Ms. Marvel and female Thor) so I am hopeful for this one!