And Then There Were Five: Welcome, Sarah!

We are welcoming a new Sarah to our circle. She is our new resident youngin’. She shares a name with the original Sarah blogger/podcaster from NYMG’s beginnings. Sarah will be joining us for a bit to chat about…what else, games. Join us in welcoming her to the fray and get ready for her first post tomorrow. Wanna know a bit about her?

Sarah is currently an undergraduate student at Purdue University double-majoring in Creative Writing and Professional Writing. She doesn’t like picking favorites but she has a strong attachment for Mirror’s Edge, the Mass Effect series, the Bioshock series, and Okami, just to name a few. She is a newcomer to games journalism but plans on pursuing a writing career in the games industry after graduation. When not gaming, she procrastinates on getting any fiction writing done and daydreams that she has super powers.

PSN: fancifulreality
Twitter: anarchycupcake
Tumblr: anarchycupcake