New Kid on the Block: Ashley Barry

Not Your Mama’s Gamer is happy to welcome Ashley Barry as a guest writer to the site. She may be familiar to some as she was a guest on the podcast about a month ago. Listeners found her fun and engaging so we decided to ask her to come on in and sit a spell.

As always you can see Ashley’s bio (and those of the other NYMG regulars) on the About page of the site, but since she’s new let’s give her her 15 minutes of front page fame 🙂

ashleyheadshotIt all began when Ashley picked up a Game Boy at age three, the small buttons were perfect for her toddler fingers. Little did she know she’d end up here, writing and talking about games analytically. Currently working at a publishing house in Boston, Ashley is unable to resist a solid narrative in any medium. She finds that books and video games share many of the same components. Her favorite games include Shadow of the Colossus, Bioshock, Journey, and Mass Effect.

PSN: abarry4099
Steam: abarry4099

Welcome, Ashley!